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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Why does a new day start at 12 midnight?


Why does a new day start at 12 midnight?

Why does a new day start at 12 midnight?

The invention of time and clocks is a gradual process that has evolved over thousands of years. Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians and Babylonians, developed methods for measuring time using sundials and water clocks. The first mechanical clock was invented in the 14th century by a German monk named Peter Heinlein. The invention of the pendulum clock in the 17th century by Dutch mathematician and physicist Christiaan Huygens greatly improved the accuracy of timekeeping. The invention of quartz crystal oscillators in the 20th century led to the development of quartz clocks and watches, which are even more accurate than mechanical and pendulum clocks.

Our day depends on the hands of the clock i.e., what time it is now, what time we have to work, etc.

But the question is why does the new day start at 12 midnight (according to the Gregorian or Julian calendar)?

The answer is not simple but quite complicated, but it is clear that it happened with the help of ancient Rome. To explain this, you must first understand AM and PM.

The day starts at 12:00 AM because it is the beginning of a new day and it is the first moment of the day, just like how the hour starts at 12:00 AM and is the first moment of the hour. The concept of AM and PM is used to divide the 24-hour day into two parts, where AM refers to the morning hours and PM refers to the afternoon and evening hours. 12:00 AM is the start of the first 12-hour period, while 12:00 PM is the start of the second 12-hour period.

AM stands for the Latin phrase ante meridiem, which means before noon or before noon.

PM stands for the Latin phrase post meridiem, which means afternoon or afternoon.

In ancient Egypt, the day was divided into 24 parts or hours, and the position of the sun in the sky was taken into account to determine the time.

This system is now known as a sundial, and since the sundial system cannot operate at night, it is necessary to use terms such as AM PM to determine between noon and midnight. it's called something else). Sundials were invented a thousand years before the number 0 or 0, so the number 12 is used for the middle part of the day.

In ancient Rome, the system of AM and PM was adopted and thus formed 12, 2 groups of 12 hours, i.e., 12 hours of the day and 12 hours of the night.

In 159 BC, a water clock arrived in Rome that could tell 12 o'clock at night.

For this reason, the Romans started their day from midnight for business and social activities, as trading activities at that time of the night were negligible.

The Romans thought that changing the date to the afternoon would be too confusing, such as having lunch on Tuesday and returning to work on Wednesday, which would cause various problems. So gradually it became a tradition and even now there is no change.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

World's first cattle dung-driven tractor

  A tractor is a vehicle that is specifically designed for use on farms and other agricultural settings. It is typically used for tasks such as plowing fields, planting crops, tilling soil, and hauling equipment and materials. Tractors can be equipped with a variety of attachments, such as plows, harrows, cultivators, and mowers, to perform different types of work. They can also be used for construction and landscaping tasks, as well as for towing trailers and other vehicles.

Tractors can run on a variety of fuels, including gasoline, diesel, and propane. The most common fuel type for tractors is diesel, which is known for its high energy density, durability, and low cost. Diesel engines are also typically more efficient than gasoline engines, which makes them well-suited for heavy-duty tasks like farming and construction. However, there are also tractors that run on gasoline, which is a less expensive fuel and can be easier to find in some locations. Additionally, some tractors are designed to run on propane which is a cleaner burning alternative fuel.

Propane fuel, also known as liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), is a hydrocarbon fuel that is derived from natural gas and crude oil. It is composed primarily of propane and small amounts of other gases like butane and propylene. One of the main advantages of propane fuel is that it is a clean-burning fuel source, producing fewer emissions than gasoline or diesel. This makes it an attractive alternative fuel option for a variety of vehicles, including tractors, as well as for use in industrial and commercial applications. Propane is also a versatile fuel, it can be used to power engines, generators, and heating systems, it can be stored as a liquid in specially designed tanks, which makes it easy to transport and store.

Holland: Ranches are regularly going with by animals, and waste from dairy animals and buffaloes in specific can be utilized as biofuel, but presently a Dutch company has created the world's, to begin with, tractor fueled by the same biomethane. It has been named T-Seven which is mutually created by 'New Holland Agriculture' and the British company Benaman

Be that as it may, waste isn't straightforwardly poured into it, but compost is collected and weakened and poured into expansive tanks. This produces a gas that's transcendently methane. In another step, the gas is collected and purified. It is at that point pressurized to create LNG or melted characteristic gas. But putting away the gas requires extraordinary tanks with a temperature of short 162 degrees Celsius.

Presently this gas can too be sold and utilized in tractors and vehicles with uncommon engines. Although the primary model of the tractor is in its beginning frame, once completed it'll be the world's beginning with a bio-LNG tractor. But this will empower the ranchers to create theirs possess fuel for their tractors and on the.

Greenland's rapidly melting ice, warning of alarming sea level rise

Greenland is home to one of the largest ice sheets in the world, covering about 80% of the island. The ice sheet has existed for millions of years, and its history has been shaped by a combination of natural factors, such as snowfall and temperature, as well as a human activity, such as climate change.

In the past, the ice sheet was much larger than it is today, and during the last ice age, which ended around 10,000 years ago, it extended as far south as present-day New York City. Since then, the ice sheet has been shrinking, and it continues to do so today. This is due in part to rising temperatures, which cause more snow to melt in the summer than falls in the winter.

Greenland's ice sheet also calves off large icebergs, which break away from the edge of the ice sheet and float out to sea. These icebergs can be enormous, with some measuring several miles across. The process of calving is a natural one and has been occurring for millions of years. However, in recent decades, the rate of ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet has accelerated, due to warming oceans and rising air temperatures caused by human-induced climate change.

The ice loss from the Greenland ice sheet is a significant contributor to global sea level rise, which is expected to continue in the future and has a significant impact on global communities. Scientists are closely monitoring the ice sheet to better understand its current and future behavior, and to predict the potential impacts of climate change on the ice sheet and on the planet as a whole.

Greenland's rapidly melting ice, warning of alarming sea level rise

Bremerhaven: Researchers have cautioned that the Greenland ice sheet is encountering the hottest temperatures on record which in the event that temperatures proceed at this rate, worldwide seas seem to rise by 20 inches by 2100. Will rise.

From 2001 to 2011, Greenland's temperature was 1.5 degrees Celsius hotter than it was in the 20th century. This decade was the hottest decade within the final thousand years. Experts from the Alfred Wagner Organized gotten this information by reproducing the temperature of north-central Greenland from 1100 to 2011. Greenland has played a major part in raising the world's ocean levels over the past 30 a long time due to the expanded dissolving of the ice there.

Concurring to a later major report, the locale is melting seven times speedier than it was within the 1990s. The fear is additionally being communicated by specialists that conceivably the issues of the ice sheet have come to such a point from which no return is possible. It has been detailed that worldwide warming due to carbon emanations will dissolve all t

A mummified corpse with a "heart of gold" that was buried in a coffin 2300 years ago

A mummified corpse with a "heart of gold" that was buried in a coffin 2300 years ago

heart of gold
heart of gold

The discovery of the tomb of the ancient Egyptian king Tutankhamun in Luxor is considered to be the most important and famous discovery of modern archaeology.

But a new discovery has led to the identification of an embalmed body, or mummy, which is also believed to have belonged to the elite of ancient Egypt.

The reason for this assumption is that two thousand three hundred years ago this body was preserved with a heart of gold.

It should be noted that the body of this 14-15-year-old boy was discovered in 1916, but for almost a century, this mummy remained in a store with dozens of mummified bodies in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, due to which experts have detailed its details. Could not review it.

However, recently a team from Cairo University, led by Dr. Sahar Saleem, was shocked when they examined the body through a CT scan.

Sahira Salim, in an article published in the journal Frontiers in Medicine, stated that her photographs showed that the body of the deceased had 49 amulets of 21 different types, many of which were made of gold, and that From, Mimi is named 'Golden Boy'.

The discovered mummy has been placed in a room at the Egyptian Museum where it will be exhibited.

heart of gold
heart of gold

Due to his healthy teeth and bones and the lack of evidence of malnutrition or disease, the scans confirmed that the young man was from the upper class. His remains were also 'standardized.' The brain and intestines were removed when the body was mummified.

In the pictures, it can be seen that under the bandages covering the young man's body was an object the length of two fingers with the dead man's uncircumcised penis, a golden tongue in his mouth, and gold in the hollow of his chest. A heart-shaped amulet was kept.

The ancient Egyptians placed amulets on the dead bodies of their dead with the intention of 'protecting' them in the afterlife. "The golden tongue inside the mouth guarantees that the deceased can speak after death," the archaeologist said.

The mummy is said to date back to the late Ptolemaic period of 332 - 30 BC and was found in 1916 at Edfu in the south of the country. It was discovered six years ago by an excavation led by British archaeologist Howard Carter. Carter found Tutankhamun's tomb in the Valley of the Kings during his excavations.

heart of gold
heart of gold

The remains of the young man were kept in two coffins with an inscription in Greek on the outside while the inside was made of wood. The corpse had a golden mask on its face.

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